Sunday, 16 December 2012

The VINEBOX ,Bag in a Box wine dispenser,Coming soon

Advantages of box wines or  Bag-In-Box (BIB)
Longer shelf life after opening , staying fresh for up to 6 weeks
Environmental benefits
Down Sides to Bag-in-box (BIB)
Stigma of BIB (Bag-In-Box)
Fiddly tap holding mechanism
The box has to be near the counter top edge to fill the wine glass.

VINE BOX benefits
Enjoy all the benefits of Bag-in-Box  wines plus!
No more fishing around for the tap in the box cavity
Attractive countertop design, Fits with traditional and modern kitchen designs
No more moving the box to the counter edge to fill your wine glass
Integrated cooling pad if chilling is required
Personalizing /Customizing options